In this page you can apply calendars to the Hierarchy.

Mouse over New and click on Select ${ProtoCalendar.Name} link in the Action pop-up box. In the Select Template Calendar dialog box, select the Calendar Template you want to associate to the ${Season.Name} and click on Save.

Propogate to other levels

You can associate the selected ${ProtoCalendar.Name} to other levels of the Hierarchy also.

Mouse over Propogate to Levels field and click on Edit link in the Action Tool Tip box. In the Select Propogate to Levels dialog box, select the levels you want to associate the ${ProtoCalendar.Name} and click on Save.

To execute the icons in the Actions column refer Generic Features. Click on Freeze link to freeze the ${ProtoCalendar.Name} for the ${Season.Name}.

Note: Once the ${Calendar.Name} has been frozen, you can unfreeze it by clicking on the Unfreeze link. You cannot edit any attributes also.

Click on Apply Calendar link to apply the Calendar Template to ${Style.Plural}.

Pre-requisite – Define Calendar Templates