The Attributes tab displays all the system attributes for a selected ${BusinessObject.Name} and allows users to create custom attributes.

IMPORTANT: Prior to making changes, it is recommended that Users should run Actions > ${ExportConfiguration} to backup the configuration. In order of the changes to reflect in the C8 application, it is necessary to update configuration by selecting Actions > ${UpdateConfiguration} from the main menu bar.
In the Default view, the following attributes are available on the Attributes tab:
NOTE: Most attribute details can be edited using the Edit icon in the Actions column. Else, an editable cell is indicated by a grey triangle in the bottom right hand corner of the cell.

How to create a custom attribute

  1. Mouse-over ${Actions} and select New.
  2. In the New dialog box, enter details for the new custom attribute.

When creating a custom attribute, depending on the any of the following Type of attribute, the corresponding format is required to be selected:  

NOTE: Once a custom attribute is created, it is not possible to change the Attribute Name field details. It is possible to mark an attribute for removal from the display list. The attribute marked for removal will have the Revert icon displayed in the corresponding Actions column. However, running ${UpdateConfiguration} will permanently delete the attribute marked for removal.

${User.Plural} can turn off the Enabled field corresponding to the required Custom Attribute to hide the attribute in the application.
See Also:  ${BusinessObject.Name}
                   Attributes Group 
Refer:      C8 Administrator Guide